Coffee with Sarah aka Human Design + Astro Reading (1:1 Live Session)

30, 45, 60 and 90 min sessions available.

This session is designed to meet you where you're currently at in life and give insight to any questions you have or where guidance + (re)direction is needed.

Composite Chart Relationship Reading 75MIN (1:1 Live Session)

During this session we'll dive into the chart of you and your loved one of choice. We'll take a look into the challenges, similarities, best ways to support one another and communicate. Which personal patterns and cycles each of you are in to get a clearer idea of where you both are at personally, so you can better support one another.

Tarot with Sarah (Recorded Session)

This session is a quick card reading where I use tarot + oracle cards, charms and dice to answer any questions you may have.

Mini Kids Reading 15MIN (Recorded Session)

Curious about how to best go about showing up as a parent for your kid(s)? This mini session will be packed with insight, tips and tricks on how to best navigate life through the lens of Human Design, Astrology and Numerology when it comes to your kids.